For on - line shop owners, one of the most important things are statistics and data, providing such informations, as the level of sales, or the efficiency of marketing campaigns. Nowadays, one of the best ways to attract people is to use a mass dispatch system that enables to create and send many newsletters and commercial messages to great number of people. Of course, there are also needed data showing the efficiency of this process. They can be gained using, for example, email open rate benchmarks. They can shoe a piece of informations that can be very helpful in the future. This important tool is very well accommodated in the Freshmail programme. Freshmail gives the possibility to create the atractive newslettes and then it allows to conduct the mass dispatch to many receivers. Email open rate benchmarks are also very useful. We give more infornations about them in the article on our website. We explain the meaning, usefullness and application of this thing. We offer the free trial of Freshmail.

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